Thursday, August 28, 2008

Davis Matthew Hall

He has finally arrived and by the weight and height of him not a moment to soon!  Davis Matthew Hall was born on Monday August 25th at 6:43 p.m.  After an entire day of contractions, he was not moving any lower into my pelvis. Davis was so happy curled up near my ribs the Dr. told me I had 2 choices either deliver Davis via my nostrils or have a c-section.  Well obviously my first choice was c-section so into the O.R. we went.  For the first time since this journey started I was actually petrified.  I will spare the details of the surgery, but lets just say there is something very unsettling about people cutting into your abdomen while you are wide awake.  Thank goodness they went that route though because at 21 inches and 8 lbs. 11 oz.  I am sure that is the only way he was going to fit!  What a looker though!  I know this is his mother speaking here but really he is a handsome devil.  Not sure the pics do it justice but his dirty blond hair has highlights and he has dark blue eyes.  

As for me I am healing well and happy to have the bugger at home!  Thank you everyone for the visits and phone calls.  We are looking forward to getting him out in public and showing him off to family and friends shortly.  FYI.. it is difficult for us to get to cell phones in a timely manner these days so feel free to call the house line to talk to us.  732-383-7366.  Look for email pics to come from Eric or I soon.

I have to say for someone that was not much of a kid person or has never even held a newborn before I love this little guy!

Oh yeah also the contest.  The winner is Erica Lebow!  Just FYI the fewest amount of points wins just like golf.  Go to to view the results.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Incredible Hulk

So had my weekly Dr's exam this week, and guess what? I am giving birth to the incredible hulk! Apparently I am measuring about 4cm larger in the belly than the average pregnant woman at my stage of pregnancy. Also even though Davis is in the right position (head down) he is not moving into the pelvic area which is a bit of a concern. I did get a great tip though in Lamaze. I am to do a squat and hold it for a minute once and hour, and when someone asks me what the heck am I doing I should tell them, "I am showing the baby the door." I thought it was hilarious when the instructor first said it, but at this point I am willing to do anything. Just saying giving birth is scary enough, giving birth to the Incredible Hulk TERRIFYING!

Friday, August 8, 2008

More thank yous

So last weekend was my NJ baby shower. Thank you to all who were there and all the lovely gifts we recieved. I was most surprised by the arts and crafts talent of my friends and family. For instance the hand knit blankets and pillows, the hand sown biibs and the toy bucket. Why am I shocked you ask? Well as you may know I can come up with all this crafty handy ideas, cutesie themes etc. but as for execution I leave a lot to be desired. I can not draw, tried to teach myself to knit recently but got frustrated very quickly when I could not figure out how to finish off my very large square!

Well I am 9 months pregnant now. Why am I not having the baby yet you ask. Basically the whole 9 month thing is a myth. You got it just a nasty rumor. We are getting baby ready however, and car seat installement is this weekend. Lucky for us I have these instructions to follow:

Man what would I do if someone had not shown that to me. Installing the car seat odes mean a trip to Babies R Us to pick up a few more of the necessaties, and the people there are nice enough to install the car seat for you to be sure it is done properly.

Thanks again to everyone for all the lovely gifts. Also if you haven't already register your guess for Davis' arrival at

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Nursery is ready but are we?

The much anticipated nursery photos are here. We got it all set up this week and other than having to wash a lot of really tiny clothes I think it is all ready to go! Can't you just tell by the look on Eric's face...

From Sandy and Lauren we got these really cute wall decals of the animals in the theme to go with all the bedding from Grammie. Now if I wasn't so honest I would tell people "Didn't you know that I was such a great painter? As long as you pick a mural from a Babies R Us Nursery theme and leave your house for 2 hours I will go to work for you. Give you a friend rate while I am at it.... "

We are looking forward to having our first house guests this weekend. Lucky for them we have furniture now. Still no kitchen so I will not be showing off my culinary skills, but I think we will survive.

Also on a side note, We were at Lamaze last night and the instructor informed us that we are having a really large boy. I looked at her in my puzzled yet slightly annoyed look, and said thanks a lot. If you been reading you will remember the phase where I was having total strangers tell me that I was having a big boy and I took it as " You are huge!!! What are you eating?" She went on to say "20 years as a labor and delivery nurse I know you are having a big kid trust me" Great..... Any chance I just look this way because I have a small torso?

Monday, July 21, 2008

I'm Back!

It has been a while since I have been posting and for that I apologize to all my loyal readers. 
We have been very busy getting ready for  Davis to arrive.  Now that I am a  commuter, (I would say bridge and tunnel as New Yorker's like to call it, but since I take the boat and use neither of those and refused to call myself that) it has been difficult finding energy to do this when I get home.  

To keep you updated on the development of Davis, he is moving a ton constantly 
stretching into my ribs and punching my bladder all at the same time.  Today I think I got a kidney punch!  It hurt like crazy.  I am pretty sure he was just hungry because the minute I had my mid afternoon sugar break he stopped.  According to the websites he is 18 inches long and weighs 4.5 pounds.  Also making me look like I s
wallowed a beach ball more and more everyday which also makes it that much more difficult to move around.  These last weeks are going to be just wonderful!
In other news we have the nursery furniture together and going to hang the themed decorations this weekend.  They have starting painting the house and the colors look great very calm and soothing which is what I need right now since the house has seemed like a diaster zone since we moved in with all the constructions and what not going on.  Living out of two rooms 
has not been easy.  We also got Davis' tree planted and are doing everything we can to keep it alive and get it to take to its new grounds during this heat wave.  Mid next week we should have a lot more of the house done and will be sending an email around with some before and after photos for you all to enjoy.  
*Remember even with my sledge hammer like swollen feet we love to have visitors so feel free to come by anytime!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Fish in a Fish Bowl

Sorry for the lack of updates but with the recent move it has been difficult to find spare time. I will be posting updated photos of the hows and how the reno is going shortly as well. As for mom and baby we are doing all right. Getting a bit uncomfortable at night but I can deal. What is the strangest part is the new types of movements I am feeling. Maybe it is the new commute on a boat but it really feels like a fish swimming around in my stomach. no real strong kicks or punches more of somersaults and pushes against the ribs. yesterday he must have been doing back flips because I could feel him slide down all my ribs thru the underside of my belly! It scared the heck out of me let me tell you. I was not a big fan of that feeling at all. It is all pretty cool though!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Those Clothes Are So Tiny!

This past weekend was my baby shower with Eric's family.  It was very nicely, some good food and Cake and lots of tiny clothes! We had  a bit of a s.n.a.f.u. getting up there which in case you haven't heard about involved being re-ended  and a 4 hour trip to the hospital.  Thankfully mom and baby are fine and it was just a precautionary trip, though I can't say the same thing for our new car.  We are going to be needing a new bumper already jeez.  Here is a tip you may or may not have learned in driving school (obviously the man that hit us skipped this part) don't bend down looking for a tissue while in stop and go traffic on I-95 because you will hit the car in front of you especially if you are moving and they are stopped.  We made it up there Friday night in plenty of time for the shower on Saturday were I am pleased to say I knew what all the gifts were for even if someone is going to have to show me how to use them.  Thanks to everyone that came and for all the wonderful gifts and books!  Davis is going to have a great library.